Looking for help with Kajabi?

New get-stuff-done service for Kajabi course creators

We can help you focus on what you want to do and leave the tech stuff to us. From building pages and setting up courses, to creating funnels and managing mail, we can take care of it all for you. So you can focus on what you want.

Imagine having someone you can just send all the tasks to and consider them done. Freeing up time from tedious setup tasks so that you can concentrate on what matters – your business goals. That’s what we want for you – and we know our services will make that a reality.

Freelancers are great...until they are not

Maybe this sounds familiar. You find a freelancer to help you and everything is good. But then all of a sudden things start to take way too long and communication becomes poor and the person is taking forever to respond. What used to take days now takes weeks or months to complete.

Depending on an unreliable piece of the puzzle in your business is frustrating and a big time-waster. It’s not the way you want to run your business but it feels like you have no other choice.

As course creators ourselves, we know how important it is to have someone you can rely on to help with the technical parts of Kajabi. We also understand that your time is precious and you need to be able to consider tasks done to perfection when you delegate the work to someone.

That’s why we are creating our Done-For-You Kajabi Services.

We have been in your shoes and this is what we learned:

Always having to find freelancers for all the practical tasks involved in running your online course business...well! you know. It makes you want to just do it all yourself.

In the rare case, you find someone who is both reliable and good, they usually work on a fixed monthly fee. This is understandable from their perspective, but for course creators, it's not so great because you're in danger of creating another challenge for yourself by having to constantly come up with new work for people you hire on a monthly fee.

Technical abilities are important, but knowing how to run a business is a completely different ballgame. If you have to micromanage those you hire because they don't have an understanding of how what they're doing fits in with the overall picture. Then you're right back where you started: wanting to do everything yourself.

We have done hundreds of online course launches in all shapes and forms and we have worked with web development and tech setup for more than twenty years. There's probably nothing you can throw at us that we can't fix.

Why Kajabi?

Maybe you're wondering why we have chosen to specifically work with helping course creators on Kajabi when there are so many other platforms around as well. The short answer is because of quality. Not only on the platform we work with but also on the service we deliver.

We want to be able to give you the best possible experience and product. The only way we can do that is by focusing on one thing and doing it very well, instead of trying to be everything for everyone.

Kajabi offers a comprehensive system for online courses, memberships, and marketing funnels which we know very well.

(And in all honesty, we also know that Kajabi attracts ambitious professional course creators who are dedicated to their business and creating a positive impact. That's exactly the kind of people we love to help.)

A different way of thinking technical assistance

We have created a service form that feels like having a trusted mechanic that knows the ins and outs of your vehicle and takes pride in keeping it on the road as simple and convenient as possible.

We call it professional but homely.

Gives you all the benefits of working with an external provider you can call on when you need it - Without fixed monthly expenses.
Gives you someone who knows you and your business - so that it's like having a reliable in-house team of experts with a project manager to lead them.

Opening up for new clients very soon

We have tested our service on real live clients since November 2021. So far with a 100% success rate. (none of them were harmed in the process) People thought it was too good to be true. We wanted to make sure we could deliver before opening up for more clients.

All systems are go! and we will begin taking on new clients very soon.

“It would have taken me hours to fix”

"Just the other day I had an issue on our website that would have taken me hours to fix. I sent it to Kulwinder and he fixed it in ten minutes"

- Henrik Hovgaard, Universal Futurists

“I had enough of doing this on my own”

"I did all the guru programs on creating landing pages and and setting up email marketing. I just had enough of doing it all on my own. Now I’ve gotten further in the last week, than in the last six months"

- Betina Noe Favrholt, JustCollab

“My web setup was killing my positive vibe”

"Tech stuff is not my idea of fun, but it drains me when it’s not working. Kulwinder fixed all the problems in a few hours. These guys are the bomb. You will get addicted :-)"

- Anne Farup, Singer and Public Speaker

What does it cost?

Of course, you wish to know. We acknowledge that it's an important part of your decision process. We have three goals in regards to our rates.

  1. It shouldn't cost more than someone you would hire to fix things in your home or on your vehicle - if you're not saving money and time by delegating tasks to us then we know you're not going to use it
  2. We work with fixed pre-paid hour packages that you can use whenever you need and top up the hours as you go
  3. Keeping it simple you will always have an updated overview of the tasks we have helped you with and we will always recommend ways to spend your hours wisely (That means that if we know a way to achieve the same result in half the time we will be honest and recommend that)

How do you get started?

👉🏻 Have a dialog with us about your business and what you wish us to help with

👉🏻 We do an assessment of your system setup and your immediate needs and suggest the next actions to take

👉🏻 You approve and we start working

Who are these people rescuing entrepreneurs from drowning in tech and getting eaten by sharks?

Jesper Bram - Founder and Visionary

Bram a.k.a UncleOnline is an Internet OG that’s be in the online start-up world since the 90’s. From VC backed projects to crowdfunded projects. Jesper’s heart beats for helping entrepreneurs. He is always on the lookout for new technology and hosts the podcast Metaversecast.fm about Web3, Metaverse and our online future.

Kulwinder Singh - Partner and Integrator

Kulwinder has a masters degree in physics and a background in corporate IT where he managed a team of 150 people. He thrives by solving complicated problems in easy ways and putting smiles on peoples faces. Kulwinder oversee our daily operations and manages our team.

Team of heroes

We are fortunate to have a team of tech savvy heroes who loves challenges and helping others. They are experienced programmers and frontend developers. Who enjoy being the people who make it all come together behind the scene so that our clients can shine.